Thursday, April 25, 2013

Showing some Blog Love: B.You Blog!


 Are you a new blogger like me? Do you sometimes need help with navigating this craziness that is social media? Or maybe you just need a few tips. Well let me introduce you to a group that might be able to give some advise...B. You Blog!

Meet The B.You Team:

**Photos are from the site, not my own**

This wonderful group of bloggers has setup a site to help, well, other bloggers!

I am, by no means, a tech savvy mom and any help I can get, I will use! Luckily this group happens to be composed of some of my favorite bloggers, who got together and created a site that helps us newbies with buttons, giveaway advise, and other technical details that help build up your blog.

So if you've needed a little help, or just want to check out what they have to say, go on over and check out their site. It's worth it! Trust me...( I have added a link below).

Check it out here!

Also every Thursday they host an awesome Blog Hop specifically geared towards Bloglovin'! So if you head on over today, join! It's a great way to meet new people!   BLOGHOP

 Have a great day everyone!


I'd love to hear your thoughts and suggestions. Don't be shy...